Friday 6 May 2011

The Underberg Labyrinth Project

Planting a  memory container
Before I start I would like to thank the designers of the "Santa Rosa" labyrinth because I am basing mine on that, and secondly the girl who gave me the idea in the first place.

Another view from the bottom (I think)

Then from the top

October 2010

Top from Gate

This is not a completed project but would like to keep a record of how I get on with it. Doing it alone is a big job (as I do not reside in Underberg) and can only afford to go there on every second Sunday of the month.) I have given myself  2 years to complete the job, and as you can see from the pics, the project is now underway, and has been since October of 2010. (not the Labyrinth though)

Baby Oakie (see below)

The First Almond Tree

Sjimbra and the First Almond
Firstly, a special mention must be made of "Baby Oakie."
At my gate where I now reside, there is an old Oak Tree with whom I have bonded. (I am a big tree hugger) So when I knew where the centre of the Labyrinth would be I knew exactly "Who" I would plant there.
I have been told that Oak Trees are very spiritual (which I can believe, from experience) so I found one of Oakies children, transplanted it into a pot until it was big enough to go to Underberg. (if I could not take Oakie then one of the "kids" would have to do.)

The 'Memory Container" as far as I can remember contains intentions of what I (and my lady friend at the time) intended doing with the land. Dreams and wishes..............................................................

My story goes thus.
I was looking at houses in Underberg for a friend when from the top floor of a small house, which I really liked, I noticed a plot of land next to it which looked very nice, flat, slightly elevated and big enough for what I had planned.
(I have always loved Underberg because of the amazing "energies there). It sat in my sub conscious for a while until on one of my "many" visits to the house. I mentioned it to the girl who was showing the house. She told me that it was for sale, and to cut a long story short, I could afford it (even though I had no money to build) and the transfer went through in September of 2010.

It is a big plot and I envisaged a house on the one half (with partial mountain views) and organic veggies on the other half. (see for more). Now, I have been experimenting with organics for a while and have found that you need a LOT of compost to make it work. Where I am growing at the time of writing this I have access to kraal (cow dung) manure which I am collecting and mixing with grass clippings, kitchen refuse, etc.
Now, I knew that I would not be able to use the whole bottom plot for veggies because I did not have access to composting material the way I do now (2011).
Then I was once again drawn to the girl who I have loved my whole life, but no more about that.............
Anyway, she suggested putting a labyrinth on the bottom half, and showed me the "Santa Rosa" design (thank you guys). This was perfect. I could see a picture in my head of the completed pattern.
Every second bed between the walkways would be veggies, and every other bed would be herbs, fruit trees etc. My intention being to make use of the herbs in potions and lotions as well as selling in powder form (see as well as additives for the glycerine soap I am making for the house. (see
I had decided that I would not plant anything that did not have a use/purpose.
A further reason as to why I needed to cut back on the veggies is because they need  constant attention and irrigation.
Now under my present setup ( when I first started organics I decided not to use municipal water at all for it and instead use water from the roof.
In Underberg the situation is different because the area is bigger than I have now and herbs will not need as much attention as the veggies. Luckily they have more rain there than we get here. (Kokstad)

The work has begun

In October I started planting nut trees, (almond and pecan) and started transplanting things I had grown at home. I am blessed in that I already grow my own seedlings and it was just a matter of experimenting with cuttings to start growing things for "The Plot." (as I call it).

I had a lot of work to do in the beginning, getting the grass and weeds under control and only started work on the Labyrinth early 2011.
I had been through the planning of what to plant on the walkways. First I thought of concrete slabs, checked out prices, shapes etc, but a part of me did not like that idea. I was lying in bed one morning thinking about it when it "came" to me. YOU HAVE TO WALK IT BAREFOOT, so you need to plant grass.
I have decided on a perennial rye grass mixed with a fescue type. I cannot plant any grass with a stolon (eg kikuyu or kweek because of the maintenance.) They will eventually take over if not contained..........

Centre completed

Oakie and some herbs

Pegging out

Starting on first row

I am digging virgin soil for the paths and little did I realise how much work was involved. Sill, I finished the first path at the end of April and will be starting path number 2 in May.

That brings us up to the present, so from now on this will be a diary of how things take shape.

I seemed tro have a lot of energy today because I have just come out of de toxing myself. see

Where the entrance will be. You can see my markers.
I nearly did not go due to the weather. It looked like rain. In the end I decided to go and was very glad that I did. It was lovely in Underberg, enough so that I worked in just a shirt. (seeing as I get there just as the sun is coming up). OK, I worked in a jersey and a coat before it warmed up enough...........

Today I finished pegging the "crosses" through the centre and dug 15 meters. This is a record for me. I could have done more but was wary of my muscles. The last time I was there it took me over a week to get over it.(thank goodness I had some lotions I am experimenting with. They did the trick on bringing me back to my olde self again.) see

Taking shape
 Thankfully this time I was only a little stiff. Now, I cannot wait until the next time. Hopefully as my muscles once again get back into shape we will be digging even further. It will be so good to be able to think of getting the soil right for planting the grass.
View from the Labyrinth to the top of the plot
One funny thing happened between Sjimbra and Shortys friend from next door. He is a Daschund so very "out" there. He went down the road to check out the (big) dogs down there. They gave him a big fright and the next minute he comes flying back into the plot, stands next to Sjimbra and starts barking back at them. It was so funny. You could actually read his mind. He was saying, "Hey, dont you pick on me, I will set my big buddy on you."
After that incident he would not leave Sjimbra alone and I think eventually even Sjimbra had to send him packing.
Pegged and waiting for next time  
OK the next photos I guess should be on my "Show Me Your Orbs" blog but I think they have a very important place here. I have been wondering whether there have been any orbs over the plot and this morning was the first morning I was there early enough to try getting photos. As you can see, our "Friends" did not disappoint.
I KNEW there was something special about the "Plot."
Orb over the top piece

Labyrinth Orb 1

More Labyrinth Orbs


I did not go to Underberg last week due to "signs" that made me change my mind. eg. Flat battery, battery charger broken even though it was fine the last time I used it etc. So, I decided to wait until today to go. I have been lucky in having to go to Pietermaritzburg twice so I leave extra early, stop in at the plot on the way and if I have time, on the way back again. So, I have managed to do a little digging but never have time to stay for too long.
Today, due to the weather, (there was snow around) I left at around 8 30 and got to Underberg at just after 9 30. Did what I could and left at 1 30pm. A new record today of 17m. Even though I had a lot of preparing to do because the second row is now finished.
The more I get into this project the more I respect the person who designed it. It really is an amazing design.
Hopefully I will be back again next week, if funds permit. Going today has put things out of sync but from now until summer I think I will be going during the week because it is now becoming too cold to get there too early. (it was warmer in Underberg than in Kokstad though.)

Went to do a little work on the Labyrinth today, even though I am suffering from a BEAUTIFUL cold. Little did I know how much the cold had taken out of my system.
I left the camera behind which was not to worry about because I only dug 7 m and prepared another 7. I stopped digging when I started getting dizzy.
It is a long trip home and I did not want any problems. So, as is my norm, when in Underberg, I stopped off and bought energy drinks for the trip home, as well as something "sweet"  for later.
It was actually a very nice trip, considering all the facts but by the time I got home I was almost deaf. I could hardly hear the engine of my truck and I must admit it worried me a little.
So, as soon as I got home I syringed my ears. (I have been doing them myself for many years).
The first try brought out a lot of gunk from my one ear but nothing changed. I left it for a while and did it again, still without much change. So, still worried, I lay down. (I was not feeling the brightest of sparks................)
I left it and slowly slowly my hearing returned.
I am still in the dark as to why they did that (I do experience blocked ears when I have a cold but nothing like this)
I think I will blame it on the change of atmosphere and pressure on the trip because Underberg is just over 100km from us here.................................and closer to the mountains.

See also Wheatgrass and Cancerbush for more on my day/s happenings.

A good day today. Even though I am still fighting the cold I got a lot done. I made an "Elixir" using apple puree/juice," with a little wheatgrass juice added. It did not look too good but it actually tasted very nice. I think I must do this on every trip to Underberg from now on. A great booster.

It tasted rather nice actually. All organic.
I dug 16m, started cultivating in preparation for planting grass (did the whole of the centre) and also weeded around the strawberry plants. I am very surprised as to how well they are growing, seeing as I planted them much too late in the season to do anything. I thought they would have been frosted off a long time ago.

The Strawberries growing nicely.
I am not sure where the energy came from but it was so nice to not get dizzy, or feel sick or anything like that. The cough I am fighting hardly troubled me at all.

Awaiting next visit.

How I left it today.
It was a lovely day, even though the wind was blowing a gale.
I soooo look forward to the day when I can be there on a more permanent basis. If I was living there I think the Labyrinth would be almost, if not, completed.
This is how far I have come and how far still to go. Thank goodness I have given myself 2 years.......
I had to go to PMBurg today so left early in the hope that I could get to Underberg while it was still dark enough to try getting a couple of pics with orbs in them. I succeeded and there were a couple with one lovely one. I think this one is the "Guardian of the Labyrinth." Funnily enough, there were none over the top plot.
I  then had time to do a little preparation on the centre. I had taken a rake so quickly raked the centre to see how much work was still involved before I have a decent seedbed. At the time it was still a little dark and could not see my handywork too well so decided to leave it, go to Maritzburg, do my business and try to get back early enough to have a look and also try to get a little digging done.
This worked out rather nicely. I got back in time to dig another 5m as well as set up the next stretch. The second quarter of row 3 is almost finished and the raking I did earlier was rather nice. When I have levelled the centre there will not be too much work involved before there is a decent enough seedbed. My aim is to try and grass the centre as well as the first ring this season if possible.
I could have dug some more but had to leave at 12 30 so I could get back to milk the cows.

The Guardian of the Labyrinth (Archangel Sandalphon I think)
I have not been to Underberg for a while due to the fact there is a shortage of funds in the home and I have been helping in the dairy while the dairy boy went on leave. This was for two weeks. I am still going during the week on my "off" day and being in the dairy means I need to get back for afternoon milking which does not give me too much time for working on the plot. It is too cold in the mornings now to get there before 9 oclock.
It was great to be "home" again and to see the "Rinth" once more.
Today I forgot my camera as well as my "edging" spade, but used the fork for this. It is not as neat but did the job.
I had made myself an "elixir" like the last time, of carrot, apple and wheatgrass again.
Very nice, very healthy, very organic.
Dug 17m today but did not break any clods because I use the spade for that. The second and almost the third quarters are now finished (I actually dug an area which did not need digging as well). I have also started marking the walkways with plastic tubing so that I can remove the twine I used to get the rows square. (It gets in the way when comes time to plant the grass in the centre.)
The only reason I stopped working was because my back was sore. The weather was gorgeous and I ended up working in a T shirt.
Left at just after 1pm after arriving at 10am.

It is official. The bit I did not "de clog" is now done. I had an opportunity after one of my "Maritzburg" trips to finish off that bit and also had time to peg in another line of markers. I took a photo but it does not show very nicely.
It had snowed earlier during the week and the mountains were beautiful with a heavy covering of powder.

No words needed. Beauty is just that....................

I had a look at my map from a while ago and think it needs an update. Things have been happening, albeit slowly.
The "Rinth" as of 1/8
Had an opportunity to go to Underberg again today. The weather was beautiful, so were the neighbours.
Didnt do so much digging because I had a lot of "setting up" to do in preparing for the mext pathways. However I did manage 15m which was OK. Worked in just a T shirt most of the time.
The lines are getting longer and longer now but the moisture has helped a huge amount in making the digging a little easier.
I also pruned the nut and apple trees but forgot Oakie. Will do him at another time.

It is now starting to look like a Labyrinth
Very glad I took liquid today. I really needed it.
I am really looking forward to having some grass planted.

I had another opportunity to get ahead with he digging today. I had to go to PMBurg again so did what I could before it was too late (or I was "worn out")
I stopped quickly on the way but did not get too much done. I wanted to get there while it was still dark to try and get some orb photos but the dawn beat me and it was too light already by the time I got there.
It was also very frosty and my hands started to freeze, even through my mittens.
I stopped on the way back again and in total got 15 more meters dug. It seems as if dotting the "i s" and crossing the "t s" is not too far away now even though I am not even half way yet.
I did not take any photos and decided to leave them until the next time. (2 weeks from now).

I had to go to PMBurg again today so left early enough to stop off at the Plot on the way. BUT, it was very cold and I forgot my gloves so I wrapped my hands in an old towel and did what I could until they started to freeze up.
I did my thing and stopped off on the way back. Arrived at around 12.30 and left at 3.30 and am quite happy at the amount of work I got done. I dug 15m but spent most of the time measuring and pegging. I am busy with the most involved part of the Lab which is the entrance. I have now pegged it out and dug the one side. The twists and turns that are left now are much easier. I also want to have areas where I plan to start growing veggies during the summer. I plan on getting some asparagus planted and want to experiment with sweetcorn as well. I also want to start planting the fruit trees around the outside. This is why the entrance is important. I need the outer ring done to help me with my measurements.

AsI left it today

The cold does not seem to have affected the Thyme
Once again I had an opportunity to go to PMBurg and this time I left at 3.30am so I could get to Underberg while it was still darkish. I wanted to get a couple of pics, hopefully with orbs in them. They did not let me down.......
I had a chance to do a little digging before getting on the road again. It was warm this morning, too warm for this time of year.
I did my business and stopped again on the way back. The entrance is now completed so the digging should go a little quicker now. I am working on the outer ring because I need it as a marker for the fruit trees I intend planting around the outside during the summer.
Dug 16m today and also sprayed some of the "winter" weed. I dont know what it is called but it is becoming a bit of a nuisance.
It is also becoming difficult to get the whole "Lab" in now so I take 2 photos and "stitch" them together so the whole plot can be seen.

The Labyrinth. 2 Photos stitched together.

Now the entrance is completed.
 I had another opportunity to go to PMBurg, so as is my usual plan, I got up very early, stopped off at the plot on the way through and on the way back again. I got there while it was still dark so took photos in the hope of an Orb or two and was most happy to get the pic below.
I think the blue orb is AA Michael and the brownish one AA Sandalphon. I think they "hang out" on a regular basis. What was so great was that they were almost over the centre of the Labyrinth.
Oh to have such "beings" as protectors............
I did not take any other pics and dug 13m. It is difficult to get pics now because of the area. The work does not seem to go very fast because of the area I am now working with. However, I should be finishing the outer ring of that quarter on my next visit. At least I can get an idea of where to put the new fruit trees come planting time.

I had an idea yesterday of planting one quarter to veggies to start with and work from there. Also, one outer ring quarter will be apple, one peach, one plum and one either apricot or pear. I have not decided as yet.
The reason for starting a quarter with veg is for ease of maintnance, accessibility and irrigation.

Archangel Michael and Archangel Sandalphon over the centre of the Labyrinth.
And for the same reason as last week I had to go to PMBurg. Today was almost a carbon copy of last Tuesday although what I did at the Labyrinth was a little different.
I dug 4m early and had time to start pegging where the apple trees are going as well as the grape vines.
I have decided to put a grape vine in between the last pathway and the fruit trees, for both privacy and a protection from the wind.
On my way back I dug another 9m which makes it 13m for the day. I have now completed the outer row of the quadrant I am working on and almost half way on the next (inner) one. I at least have enough space now to be able to think of putting a couple of veggies in.
I was also most surprised to see the Almond trees with leaves and already quite a few flowers. Being new to this I am not sure whether they will produce any nuts but will be holding thumbs.
The Pecans are still dormant as is the Apple tree.
Awaiting Next Visit

Almond flowers

 It was my "off" day today so I decided to take the dogs for an "Underberg Trip." They have not been to the plot for quite a while and there would be new smells for them to sniff out. It also gave me a chance to get ahead with my digging. Suzy also wanted to go for a drive.
The result was that I finished the second row, dug 13m and also prepared the "turn around" to row 3. I also dug 3 holes in preparation for an Almond a Grape and another Apple tree.
I went prepared to spray weeds as well but it was too windy. I know I have to invest in a wind turbine to generate electricity there. The wind was perfect as is the position.
All in all a rewarding mornings doings, seeing as the whole time I was asking myself whether I had locked the kitchen door.
In the end I had, but had forgotten the security gate.

Second row is now completed. Awaiting next visit.(holes for trees in foreground.)
A copy of the last couple of weeks in that I had another opportunity to go to PMBurg. As usual I left early (4am) and stopped off in Underberg on the way through and on the way back again.
Even though the area I am now preparing is very difficult to dig due to its compaction and it is also getting dry again, I managed 16m. The third line is almost finished. I have actually already pegged to the end as well as some on the last row of the quadrant.
Had a chance to dig two more holes. One for an apple and one for a grape.
The weather was "foggy" but with a nice breeze so working was a pleasure.
I now have plenty of space to plant veggies this season as there are now almost 3 rows to work with. I need to start preparing them soon as well. I have been trying to get asparagus seed but nowhere can I find any. I want to start planting some in the first row.
Oh, I also sprayed a lot of the weeds that are starting to grow.

Not much left to do on this quadrant
It was my "off" day today and as usual, left very early, getting to Underberg at around 5 o clock.
Today I had to start planting things and went prepared with enough water to water whatever needed it.
On the way I noticed the road was damp in places and much to my joy, found later that it had rained the day before. Everything was nice and damp.
I think I should write down what I did in the order I did them.

1 I put a frame with bird netting over the strawberries so the chickens from next door do not eat them, as well as any other birds that might enjoy them. 2 plants already have small strawberries on them
2 I planted 3 peach trees and a grape.
3 Dug a hole for a plum which I did not take because it is too tall to go in my bakkie.
4 Measured out more spots to dig holes for planting more trees.
5 Dug a hole for an apple tree
6 Dug another 10meters, finishing off row 3 and getting almost half way through the last row of the quadrant
7 Dug about 3meters in between the walkways in preparation for more strawberries
8 Sprayed organic pesticide over growing plants and spot sprayed with some roundup.
9 I still watered what plants needed it, especially the new peach trees.
10 Did a little weeding around trees.

I am very pleased that all of the poplars which I planted first are all growing nicely. The one almond has 2 nuts on it but the other has none. I think the heavy wind we have been having blew the flowers off before they could be pollinated.

Baby Almonds

Oakies "child" has new leaves, the apple I planted last year has as well and the pecans seem very close.
Another stitched photo. The peach trees and grape are on the right. The labyrinth is starting to look like a Labyrinth.

Today was actually great for working, not being too hot. It actually felt as if things were starting to move in the right direction as well. I also had my carrot, apple and wheatgrass booster drink which really helps.

I had to go to PMBurg again today so was on the road by 4 15. Got to Underbrg just after 5 and did some work before getting on the road again by 7 15. Had a chance to plant the plum I could not get into my truck (Santa Rosa variety???). I also dug 3 more holes for peach trees as well as a plum. I also dug 6m of the last path and pegged the last piece for completing on my return. I also did a little watering.
Did my thing in Matitzburg and got back just after 12. I had bought 3 more peach trees and a plum in Underberg which I planted. Had time to finish off the quadrant and start pegging number 4. Also finished watering and dug a few meters with the "granny" fork where I intend planting strawberries.
The sad thing is that both of the almonds are now "ladies" because the nuts fell off the first one this morning. However, I take this as a good sign. Hopefully next season they will stay on.
The apple now has leaves as well as little "Oakie." Things are starting to grow. The stevia has also survived and is growing again.
Oh, I almost forgot. On the 3 new peaches and the plums I am planting the trees on a bed of horse doo doo. Lets see how these trees behave when the roots find that food.

No photos today because the trees dont come out too well. They blend in with the background and are difficult to see.
Oh it was also windy this afternnon.

As before i had a chance to go to PMBurg again and as last week. I left home before 4 and got to Underberg at around 5. Today I had energy because the weather was great.
I had quite a few trees anbd grapes to plant. There were 6 peaches (Oom Sarel), 4 or 5 Plums, 2 apricots and 4 grapes. I had a lot of holes to dig, (about 10), planting most of the trees before getting on the road to PMB again. There were just the apricots to plant on my return and some watering to do. Things are really starting to grow now. There was some rain during the week which gave all plants a boost. However there was also a touch of snow and this morning, even though it had warmed up quickly, there was a big frost on the ground.
Still no photos due to the trees not being too visible in them until they are bigger.

As is becoming quite regular now, read above because this is a photo copy of that day. The only difference being was that I had a LOT of watering to do because it had dried up again. I also only had a couple of trees to plant. 2 peaches, an apricot and a lemon. It was very hot today so I did not do too much on the way home. I did dig about 2m of pathway before running out of steam.
I got a taste of an Underberg strawberry which was really nice.
No pics as usual but next time there might be differences visible.
One more grape on the finished quadrant and they are completed. 2 more Oom Sarels and the peaches are all planted there as well.
PS I forgot to add that I also planted 6 strawberry plants and left a handkerchief behind. If the strawberries grow as well as the ones I planted late last season then WOW. The one plant from last season has at least 10 strawberries on it. Not having the monkeys there is such a blessing.
I thought that 6 strawberries would take up more space than thy have. I must plant more suckers at home to take there.

19/10 (Breezy)
Luckily this week I had an emergency trip to Maritzburg. As usual I left early enough to get some work done at the "Lab" before getting on the road again. I planted 6 more strawberries (had breakfast of the ones I planted before winter but a couple were already starting to rot.) Then I planted 5 or so grapes which I am trying to grow here. I am not sure how successful I will be with that but am holding thumbs. I also planted 3 more thyme plants and watered everything before getting on the road again and once more on my return. Am using a compost liquid which seems to work quite well. Everything is growing well. Little oakie is looking really good and is a lovely surprise.
I also dug 8m more of the outer path on the next quadrant. There were storms hovering around but came to nothing.(while I was there anyway)
I have to start thinking of covering the new strawberries in a better way next time because my low covers are now no longer long enough. I will use them on new plantings. Should have a tomato or two to plant next time.
I really felt good today and did not leave a handkerchief behind...........
I was going to take the camera but forgot it in my rush to get on the the road this morning.

25/10  (Breezy)

As per last week, a carbon copy, other than what I did at the plot. Up early, on the road by 4.30 and busy on the "Lab" by 5.30. This morning I had only a few things to plant. 2 strawberries and 7 tomato plants. I did want to experiment in my ways of planting, putting covers around the tomato seedlings but with a hole big enough at the top to let water in should it rain. I pegged them down so they would not blow away. I also started the frames to put the bird netting over the strawberries should they start growing. What a pleasure having no monkeys to worry about.
I watered a lot and even had 5 worm free strawberries from the ones I planted before winter. I am hoping the new ones will bear as well and be as sweet.
All the grapes bar one which I planted last week seem to be doing ok and the lemon is sending out new leaves. Everything else is growing well. Might be because I always water them with compost tea.
On my way home, I only had time to dig another 5m, with only about a meter to dig before starting on the next quadrant (outer ring). This one is going to be interesting because it runs through where there was an old compost heap................
I also did a little spraying of weeds.

Little Oakie growing nicely

Tomatoes on the left and strawberries on the right

Part of the fruit trees and grapes on the finished quadrant

Stitched photo from the front

Stitched photo from the back
2/11/11 (Breezy)

Had a surprise ride to Maritzburg today so did my usual get out of bed early trick etc. Got to Underberg at about 5.30 and before hitting the road again planted 5 grapes, 6 tomato seedlings and 3 strawberries. Things are very dry so I also did a little watering with my usual compost tea. Most things are looking good even tho they are dry. One grape from last planting had to be replaced but I was not surprised because when I planted it it had no roots yet. Happily all of those I planted today had strong root systems so should grow OK.
The old strawberries are still producing fruit and I ate more today. The strawberries I planted first in the new area are not doing too well but I think it has a lot to do with my planting them too soon and there being no rain.
On my return in the afternoon I planted 2 more grapes, a lemon verbena and dug another 6 m. The outer walk on quadrant number 2 is now finished and I have dug a short way and pegged the next stretch in quadrant 3.
I have now only one quadrant left where grapes are to be planted and one or two in the other quadrants, then I have completed that job.
I need to buy the next grapes cos they are the big red grapes.
Left at 2.30 so all in all a rather productive day.
I also watered some more, using up all the water I had taken and did a little spot spraying. I will need to take a big knapsack next time to spray the top plot which is slowly getting out of control, weed wise.

9/11/11 Breezy
I decided to go to Underberg in "Suzy" today seeing as I have no reason this week to go to PMBurg. We have been having the worst drought I have ever experienced and I have lived in the area for over 22 years. So, I needed to  go and do some watering at the Lab and generally see how things are doing there.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that everything, bar a Santa Rosa plum and one or two strawberries, were all doing fine. I was very surprised to see the tomatoes doing well and my plan with the plastic covers, cut at the top works better than I hoped. The condensation from the plants actually runs down the "feathers" right back onto the plants. Note to myself. Must make more when funds permit....................
I also had another 6 strawberries off the same plant again this morning. I was not aware that one plant would produce so many.
Today I was not there for too long altho I did get there at 5.30, leaving just after 10. Still, I planted 3 more grapes (both quadrants are complete in that respect now) and 2 of the grapes I planted at the "proposed" entrance gate to the Lab.
I also sprayed the top plot with one full knapsack and spot sprayed around the veggies and trees.
Dug another 6m as well. Next time I will be getting into the "compost" area which needs some levelling before serious work can be done there. I have pegged to that area and decided to start on the other quadrant which goes thru that area as well. This will be a nice winter job??????
Used 95 litres of water this morning, most from the compost tea and worm p.
Oakie has grown about 40mm already this season. Great. Oh, the lemon also looks OK. I was a little worried last week cos it did not look too happy.

I will take photos next time for reference.


Had a meeting in PMBurg today so left early again cos I wanted to water and do as much as possible in Underberg just in case.................Luckily I did because I only arrived back in Underberg at 3o clock so did not stay to do any extra. I needed to get home to my "family." Sjimbra is not well and I wanted to see him. He is having an operation on his leg tomorrow and the vet is a little worried due to his age.
Anyway, I did plant 2 more grapes at the entrance to the "Lab" and dug another 7m. The one quadrant is dug a far as the compost heap and I have started on another one. I also sprayed another full knapsack on the top plot and had 6 more strawberries from the same plant. Most everything is growing well and Oakie has now grown almost 100mm. The tomatoes have surprised me in that most of them have little flowers on. Lets see how well they do in Underberg. I have never succeeded here at home. Only 4 strawberries have survived from the new season but they are looking quite good as well. The experiments I am doing there seem to be working fine. This is a topic for another blog though.
I also watered everything.
All in all a lovely day. No rain but lovely nevertheless.

I did have the camera but did not have time to take any photos.

My "off" day today so I just had to go to Underberg to see how things have grown. We have had lovely rain after the driest spell I have ever experienced here in my 22 years.
I left at my usual time and got "home" (Underberg) at around 5 am.

Tomatoes with Strawberries in the background
Had quite a bit planned for today, wanting to start experimenting with permaculture there. (this is going to be a seperate blog).
I had strawberries, grapes, a lemon verbena and a thyme to plant as well as 2 climbing roses for the bottom of the bottom plot. I also had a couple of creepers to plant along the fence of the top plot as well as a few mint to plant around the lemon tree..
I could not believe how things have grown. I was last there 2 weeks ago and even though they have not had as much rain as we have had here, things have taken off. ESPECIALLY THE WEEDS. You would think I was planting them.
Little Oakie is growing soooo fast I cannot believe him..........

Netted Tomatoes
I have an idea to plant pumpkins permaculture style on the top plot but forgot my seed. However I did also dig about seven places where I will plant the seed.
Today I put more netting over the strawberries after planting those I had brought, put heavy mulch around them and a couple of grapes. Also the nut trees and one or two fruit trees.
I watered and mulched everything after planting.
I also started seriously preparing the pathways for planting grass come February. I hope to plant more than planned so I can get ahead with them as well. Next time I must remember to take my "edging" hoe to tidy along the walkway edges.

Almost rready to start planting grass
I wish I could meet a lady to share this project with. All the ideas are mine with no other persons input.It would be nice to share it with somebody.
I am especially happy to see how the tomatoes are growing in my experimental "bags." They are starting to have little tomatoes on them now. That is really fast.
The strawberry I have been eating from only had one strawberry on it today but the other plants are growing well. I had to weed in that area as the weeds were looking to take over.

I did not have time to dig any more pathways but thats because there is so much other work to do.

8/12 Rain / Mist
I had an opportunity to go again this week and arrived at around 5am. The weather was VERY misty with a drizzle. Ideal working weather. The first thing that struck me was how well the Strawberries are doing with the mulch.
I transplanted some Chinese Cabbages, Spinach and some Peanuts. I have no idea how to propagate Peanuts so lets see..........

I also put a mini tunnel over the new arrivals.

I now have to really start working on the areas where I plan to plant grass this season. Time is getting close (January/February) so I spent some time doing that. The centre is almost ready so now it is into the pathways. (Walkways).
I have designed a lovely implement which I use to open up the walkways. Some are becoming hard to see because I have been walking on them.

I have been "shown" another idea as to why the Labyrinth is such a good idea. I realised that the pathways are so excellent for growing things in between because if I "camber" them then the water will run from them  onto the veggies or whatever I have growing in between. Not to mention the grass cuttings when mowing them.

I also have now mulched all the Grapes and fruit trees and mulch everything I plant. The one Tomato plant has a couple of tomatoes on it. They should be ready within a week or two.

My timing was so excellent this day. I had just finished putting everything onto the truck when the real rain arrived. It was not really an ideal day to take photos so I did not. Hopefully next time things will be looking rather nice.

 As per last week I arrived in Underberg at about 5 30am with a lovely cool morning. This morning I planted 2 Strawberries, a Lemon Verbena, a couple of mint and a few Cancer Bush plants. Most things at the plot are growing well, especially the Tomatoes. The plants are a deep green colour and now 2 plants have Tomatoes on them.
I also deep mulched what I planted.
On the way back I spent a while opening the pathways I need to work on. The spade I have designed to open the sides works extremely well. I am opening pathways I dug in the beginning before designing the spade to do that job and thank God that I did because the original way of just using the fork was not very good.
The centre is almost ready for planting and by the end of January I hope to have a pathway or two ready to plant as well.
I am now "cambering,"(curving) the paths to assist with water runoff. So far so good.
No rain in Underberg but it rained all the way home. Some places, by the look of the lands, had very nice rain.

Left to Right. Spinach, Tomatoes, Strawberries

Centre ready for grassing

Tomatoes through the roof

22/12/11 Very Hot and Breezy
As per my usual timing I got to Underberg at around 5. Had a chance to plant more Strawberries, Mint (around fruit trees), some Cancer Bush and a couple of Jasmine. I also deep mulched them.
I am very happy to say that the peanuts I planted last time are starting to germinate. What next, I have never grown them before. I will be planting a lot more of them. I think the Pumpkin seed is too old or something because they are not germinating. I will plant peanuts where they are .
The Tomatoes are looking very nice and must be close to getting ripe enough to pick.

It was very hot today so I did not do too much on my return other than watering asnd opening one or two more pathways. I also sprayed a bit of weed killer. The weeds are looking AMAAAAZING..........
I actually went through some heavy rain on my return home.

Before Hoeing

After Hoeing

the Magic Hoe I use to open the pathway edges
 The Hoe is really helping in such a big way. It follows the adges where I have dug previously so I can see where the pathways are when I start to prepare them for grassing.
The Tomatoes just get bigger and bigger

I decided to go to Underberg today in "Suzy" and because it was so hot at night and I could not sleep, I got on the road before 4am. It was light???? by the time I got to Underberg and you could already tell it was going to be very hot.
However, I did plant more Peanuts, the same way as the others, planted a couple more Strawberries, 4 Gooseberry plants, a Thyme, some Parsley, another 2 Stevia, quite a few more Mint and mulched them all.

I also had time to keep preparing the pathways but this was hard work due to the heat. I wish I could live there. My best working hours are from 4am to 8am and then in the afternoon fron 4pm to 8pm. The heat of the day does not suit me.

Peanuts coming through the mulch

Tomatoes bursting at the seams

Parsley with Cancer Bush in the background

Just a light breeze today which did help somewhat but it was not very cooling.

Everything is growing well, the Tomatoes are now bursting the seams of their "tunnels" in an effort to get out. I  am happy to say that so far their is no blight. I have a hard time with that here and have actually given up growing them. (monkeys as well.....)

The Chinese Cabbage and Spinach are looking great and the Strawberries are sending out suckers. I definately need to do something about the weeds though. I do have a theory now.
The more I plant the less I have to mow. So am planting as much as possible now. Eventually the weeds will not have anywhere to go. Trouble is I have to try and keep up with the pathways. There should be approximately 50m to grass, not including the centre. I SOOO look forward to that. Then I will be able to walk on the paths without thinking of having to level them again.

The Labyrinth as I left it today.
I went today because I wanted to light a candle and a couple of sticks of incense to welcome in 2012.  The candle was still burning when I left.

The Candle burning next to Little Oakie

The pathways I was working on

Peanuts growing through the mulch

The first Almond growing nicely
It was a real scorcher today and I was on the road again by 10o clock. I did quite a bit of "path levelling" and planted a couple more Goosebery plants. I also extended the tunnels a little more. The Strawberry line is almost full now which is OK because I dont intend planting any more this season. A couple of the earlier plants are already sending out suckers.

I decided to go to Underberg again today wanting to get stuck in planting grass in some of the pathways before the rain makes it difficult to find them. It is a little early to plant so I might have a weed problem but rather that than disappearing paths.
It turned out to be a perfect morning with some heavy mist on the way. To my surprise it had rained there last night so nothing really needed watering. This gave me a chance to dedicate most of my energy to preparing pathways for grassing.

From the road

Planted Pathway

Centre completed

Pathways Planted

Tomatoes released

I invested in a Soda Stream because they have an energy drink which is rather nice. (much cheaper than buying one every trip). I think this really helped me because I worked until 12o clock today. That is 7 hours without much of a rest. Every time I got tired (my back was a little sore) I got a second wind. This happened twice so today I really got quite a bit done.

1 The centre and the next "ring" is now planted. (I am using a Kentucky Bluegrass mixed with a Perennial Rye Grass called Nui. 50/50).
2 All the paths around the veggies are planted.
3 I planted a couple more Mint and Catmint.
4 Sprayed some weeds.
5 Released the Tomatoes which were really struggling in their "containers". a couple were bursting at the seams. There are some really lovely Tomatoes still growing on the plants. As of yet there is also no blight.

The Mini Tunnels and planted Paths

Lemon with Catmint in the background


Note to myself. Must use number 6 on planter.

Everything is growing well, and more Pumpkins are starting to germinate. There was a coolish breeze which made things easier for working.
It now remains to be seen whether my planting system and seed rate are going to be OK. We should see in a week or two.

PS I am not sure how long the candle burnt for but by the amount of wax on the ground I think it must have burnt for most of the day.
Oakie is now almost as tall as the white marker in the centre. He will need shaping in the colder months.

Not much from today. I had to go to Maritzburg so got to Underberg at aroumd 5 as usual. You could already tell it was going to be a scorcher.
I dug and planted some grass seed as well as a few more "Catmint." I also noticed that a couple of Tomatoes are starting to ripen. They look really nice. The plants I "released" last visit are showing their appreciation.
I watered pathways with the water I had brought. (approx 100litres)

On my return I did not intend doing too much other than collecting my containers because of the  heat. On the Monday I had had a magnificent migraine which had flattened me and it still had not left me completely. I did not want it to return just yet. My nose started to bleed just before the rain so the pressure must have been rather "out of whack."

I was preparing another pathway when it cooled down (a storm was imminent) and as it cooled so my energy increased. I was just about ready to plant the grass when the rain arrived. This put an end to the days play. It really rained hard, so hard in fact that I stopped at Spar on the way out and there was rain actually dripping through their roof.

I also sprayed for weeds but it rained about 30min afterwards so I am not sure how effective it will be.

No photos today due to there not being much to see but I am intending returning on the 13th to see what effect the rain had on the garden, to plant more grass and spray weeds.

As my intention above, I did go to Underberg today, actually leaving at around 3.30. I could not sleep due to the heat so decided to go a little earlier than usual. In the end a wise decision because it was lovely working early but after 8 o clock it warmed up and became uncomfortable again.
My plan had been to plant more grass and water as much as possible. This I did, however I was a little short of water and could not water everything I planted today. It looked like rain later again so am holding thumbs. No seed has germinated as yet but it is still too early. Next week.???????????......................

I planted some Garlic Chives and sprayed weeds as well. I also opened up/defined the next pathways which I will be working on. I actually was going to leave them until a later date but the "energy drink" gave me the boost to carry on. I think I must have lost some weight today because it was very humid and my shirt started to stick to me.

I took the camera but no photos because they do not do the Labyrinth justice. I think trhe next photos will be when the pathways start greening up.


Another opportunity, another, same place, same time. The weather was misty in the Underberg area which made conditions more comfortable for working. I was a little disappointed to see that none of the grass seed has started to germinate yet. Could be a number of reasons though.

1 It is still too hot.
2 It has not rained for a while.
3 I should actually have started planting from February.

I am hoping that they will still germinate so even though I am experienced in this, I am still learning.

First Tomatoes

Through the roof
I finished digging and planting the second row from the centre and watered the same.
I also picked my first Tomatoes. A couple have been "found" by a bird or two and I suspect a Toppy who was hanging out while I was working. I gave most of them to friends as there are a lot more coming on.


On my return I dug and planted another stretch of the third row from the centre. Just a short bit and that one will be completed. There are just a couple of areas to do now before I need to think about digging more paths. If the grass starts germinating then I am ahead of myself but if I need to replant that will take a few trips. I need to start brushcutting the weeds now as well.
I used what water I had left to water the pathway I had planted but ran out just before the end.
I also sprayed more weeds.
The energy drink OR the Tablets I am taking, are really making a difference to my energy. It was hot in the aftrnoon but I still had the energy to do extra digging.
Taken from the other side of the plot showing Thyme, Lemon Verbena and Oakie

Taken from the other side of the plot

Mint growing well around the Lemon tree
I just realised today that it is a Leap Year this year............................
I am also going to start a "Carry On" blog when I get to the same day that I started digging the pathways.
Note to self.
Start new blog from 1/4/12.

I had an unscheduled trip to Maritzburg today so got to Underberg early. It had rained a lot lately so things were damp and all was growing well. It was misty with some mist rain so ideal working conditions.
I managed to prepare and plant what was left of the second pathway from the centre so this one is now completed.  
I am also VERY happy to announce the germintion of the grass I had planted. It must have come through a couple of days ago but there is still a long way to go and a lot more to germinate.

Germination in progress.

Thyme looking OK.
Before hitting the road again I transplanted Lettuce and a couple of Cabbages and cut the Chinese Cabbage to take to people in PMBurg.

On my return I prepared and planted a piece I had started digging near the entrance. To my dismay, a couple of dogs had got into the Lab and had messed up my mornings planting. I did not replant but had to reshape the path.
There are two houses nearby with "unruly" dogs but I am not able to blame anybody. I had left the gate between the two plots open.
I also found a couple of nice Tomatoes but had to throw one or two away which had "End Rot." (my words)


Nice Tomato

Home grown Grape already supporting itself.
I was told that I would only have to support the grapes in the second year but already most of my plants are looking for support. So, when the funds are available I must think of poles and bonnox fencing.
I am very happy to see how well the cuttings I grew at home are growing. The photo is an example.

I also planted out one or two Cancer Bush which I had left there and had to put mesh around the Catnip. I have yet to see a cat in the area but something has discovered them and is damaging them.
I then watered everything I had planted after which it was already 3 o clock so had to get on the road again.


Went to Underberg today, hoping that the grass would have a touch of green. Not yet. I think it might still be too warm.
The trip in the morning was fine until near Kargs Post when it got so misty it was actually quite scarey. I was driving at about 40km/hr at times, with my hazards on. The road was damp and when I got to Underberg you could see they had had nice rain either the night before or thereabouts.
My main aim today was to try and tidy the weeds so had my big brush cutter. I spent 4 hours doing that and also started planting the last row I dug during the winter. I should be able to finish that next time.

The plots do look a bit tidier and I took a couple of pics but they do not do my work justice.

I planted a grape where one had died and am very pleased again to see how well the "home" cuttings are growing.
I also did some weeding in the Strawberries and picked the Tomatoes the birds had left. I left them the ones they were busy eating. I am now picking them before the birds eat them and let them ripen at home.

Todays Tomatoes

The Labyrinth Candle
The photo of the candle I am including because of the way it has melted. Almost a copy of the Labyrinth design. Is that an omen......................


Had an unexpected trip to PMBurg today so as is my norm, left early and actually arrived in Underberg before the sun came up so decided to see whether there were any Orbs around. See pic.
I finished digging and planting the end of my winter diggings and planted a couple of Mint plants, a Catnip and 3 Raspberry plants. And an Apple tree (Golden Delicious).
It was then time to get on the road again because I had a meeting to go to and 600 litres of diesel on the truck to deliver. I had picked some Tomatoes for friends but unfortunately forgot them at the plot.

Orbs over the Labyrinth
On my return I watered all I had planted and sprayed weeds. I was a little late but also had a chance to pick the rest of the Tomatoes. There were about 2kg today and quite a few more still to ripen. There is some "Blossom End Rot" but I am told that is due to a shortage of Copper in the soil. However I am really pleased as to how many Tomatoes I have been able to pick because I really did not do anything special to the soil other than use a little compost at planting. I have never had any luck here at home.

I also noticed a spot of green where grass is slowly starting to germinate.

I now have to start planting poles and putting wire for the Grape Vines. Some of them are now running along the ground and one or two are almost a meter in length.

Went in "Suzy" to Underberg today because I need to start planning and digging the pole holes for the Grape Vines. I had 2 Apple Trees and a Raspberry and Youngberry to plant.
Also a Catmint, a couple of Rosemary plants as well as a couple of  Penny Royal plants.  I am going to experiment with them as a ground cover amongst the Grapes and fruit trees.
The main reason though was to finish brushcutting the plots.

I did all that was planned and dug 5 "pole holes." That was harder work than I thought but at least I have made a start. The Grapes are nearly all growing well and I hope to have those supported before Winter.

It was a real "steamer" today and not really wonderful working weather.  The Tomatoes are coming to the end of their time and a lot are rotting. I still picked about 2kg for friends.

No photos today beacause things have not changed that much. Some grass is slowly germinating so am still holding thumbs on that.

Looking through what has been accomplished so far I found that I have not a record of how far I dug in 2010 / 2011 so here it is.


Had another "urgent" trip to PMBurg so went prepared to do some hole digging in preparation for the Grape supports. I also had a Peach (Oom Sarel) and an Almond as well as a Raspberry and Youngberry to plant.
I have now more holes dug than I have poles to plant.

I did most of this before getting on the road again. Finished the one quadrant with holes and have 2 holes to go in number two quadrant. After that there is one quadrant to do and then time to think about digging more pathways.
The sad news is that I am going to start regrassing the pathways because even though there is some germination it is not good enough. Teach me for rushing.

I also pulled out a few Tomato plants which are rotting and left them in their "containers" to see how long they will take to break down into the soil.

I am still very impressed at how the Grapes are growing. At this rate we will be picking some next season.
One more Oom Sarel Peach to plant and one more Grape and quadrant one is completed. Just some Mint and Penny Royal to plant amongst the trees and vines to deter insects.

Oh, the Stevia has also grown very well. There are 3 plants doing well along the fence.

This visit was a little different in that I could not stay for as long as I had wanted. However I did manage to bring some poles in preparation for the Grape vines. I "planted" three of them just to see how it would be. So far so good. When all the poles are in the Lab is going to look like an Arena.
I was a little worried that they were too long but I might be wrong. They just might be OK............

I also started replanting the pathways and this time planted the sed at a heavier rate than before. I still think it is too hot but am holding thumbs. I think the next planting I will cover with grass from mowings here to see whether that might help germination in any way.
I did not have enough water to water all of the replant but was lucky enough that there was a touch of rain around when I returned. Hopefully enough to keep the seed moist.

I was intending to take photos on my return but I was too late so decided to wait until next time. I have to return to PMBurg on Tuesday so might have time then.

The Orbs this morning. The two bright lights are lights at a house across the road.
BUT, look how many Orbs there were over the Lab this morning. Its the most I have photographed there.


I was in Underberg this day but have been so busy I have not had time to update.
I got there very early as usual but now that the seasons are changing and it was a little overcast, I actually worked in the dark for a while and a lot of guesswork was involved.
I planted 2 more Oom Sarels, one to go as well as the last grape to finish that row. I also put some grass over the seed I had replanted the week before in the hope that it would assist in germination.
No photos again today because I was late on my return so did not have time to do any more work.
Oh, I left a handkerchief there as well and did a little watering.


Had a meeting in PMBurg today but left a little later than usual due to my oversleeping. It actually worked out rather well even though I was "racing the dawn" the whole way. There was not much I could do today because I had an early meeting. However, I planted the last Oom Sarel and two more Catnip. I was a little disappointed to see rust on the grapes and Oakie. They will survive but I am not sure as to why. Probably because of the rain. It definately seems as if we have had more rain here than in Underberg but things are still growing. I just hope I am not planting the last Oom Sarel too late in the season. We will find out........
Grape poles, Peaches and WEEDS

Grape poles, Strawberries and WEEDS

Lemon surrounded by mint

Grape poles, Peaches, Strawberries and rotting Tomatoes.


Wild Catnip
I had a little time to "plant" two more poles this morning AAAND took a few photos. They really do the weeds justice.
I also had an epiphamy.
If the grass will not germinate maybe it is a sign to maybe go for concrete slabs in the pathways. Maintenance will be easier but it will lose the effect. I will see what the Universe has in store.
I took my water bottles and what I needed for here at the same time because I knew I was going to be late returning. Wise decision.

For some reason I knew I had to go to Underberg today so took Suzi and the family for a little outing.
I wanted to finish planting the poles I had, plant a few PennyRoyal and weed the Strawberries. Also to remove the netting as well as redefine some paths.
I was not enjoying myself after having dug 3 more "pole holes" I was suffering from a little Low BP due to the heat.
Things changed for the better when I decided that I must start using paving stones in the paths. They can always be removed. As soon as I had made the decision I got a picture in my mind of an idea to put more poles on inner circles and join them overhead, but leave Oakie in the centre and train him to be an umbrella. The plan will be to plant creepers and things so they provide overhead shade for walkers. I might plant more grapes as well.
It should look good and I think with time and funds should be able to be done.
In the end I got all my work done. The idea gave me a second wind.
No pics cos there was not much of a change.

29 and 30/3/2012
On these two days I had an early meeting in PMBurg so even though I did stop at the Lab I did not have much time to do anything. Howver I still got on the road from home at 4 but these times I was clever. I took a head lamp I have for working in the dairy during power cuts and these times I did not work in the dark. The light was a huge help.
This Almond was a gift to me from the nursery where I buy my fruit vtrees

The last pic before starting this years blog. The netting has been taken off and some weeding done.
Crystals in the plots

On both days I had only enough time to do some weeding as well as redefining the pathways (grass seed in the centre is starting to gerrminate.)
I am very pleased to say that the last Almond I planted a few weeks ago has a lot of new leaves. It had a couple of schrivelled ones when I planted it.
I have now removed the netting over the Spinach as well. They were not doing well.

I failed to mention the Crystals I found at the plots. I am not sure whether they were put there or where they came from. In the photo are those I found when I went in Suzi and this time I found 3 more. One was larger than the rest. These I did not photograph. I washed them and placed them under Oakie. The 3 in the photo I am going to put under Oakie as well.
However they got there this is just  "sign" that I/We are on the right track.

So now it is time to start writing in the new blog.



  1. Found you via the internet... wow! what an amazing journey you are on! I'm the "designers" of the Santa Rosa Labyrinth, just one of me, and the creative inspiration that brought it through my fingers almost fifteen years ago! I love what you are doing, and cheer you on! Lea Goode-Harris

    1. Hi Lea
      Please have a look at my progress with the "Lab" and let me know what you think. It has come a long way since this blog and hopefully you will be surprised. Namaste. Kevin
